Category Archives: Industrial Processing

blog | Industrial Processing, TipSheet, Unsubmerged

Air and Heat Transfer Fluids, Part 1

Fluid Life Tests While oxidation is the #1 reason that heat transfer fluids need to be replaced, it doesn’t always follow that using a fluid with an oxidation inhibitor will prevent oxidative sludging. Oxidation inhibitors are chemical additives designed to prevent the sludge formation, acidification, and viscosity increases that result when air and hot heat-transfer-fluid molecules […]

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blog | Industrial Processing, TipSheet, Unsubmerged

Air and Heat Transfer Fluids, Part II

Does lab testing tell the whole story? There are a number of accelerated aging laboratory tests that are designed to determine oxidation-inhibitor performance and longevity.  Most involve bubbling pure oxygen through a heated sample that has an oxidation catalyst (usually copper wire) submerged in it. The effectiveness of the additive is determined by measuring the […]

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blog | Heat Transfer Fluids, Industrial Processing, NEWS, Unsubmerged

A Few Frequent Questions…With Answers

In Depth Answers to a few Frequently Asked Questions about Heat Transfer Fluids   The technology of heat transfer fluids is not extremely complicated. It involves liquids, heaters, pumps, flow rates, thermal and physical properties, and a few basic engineering principles. Still, some of the more curious aspects of the fluids themselves fit with common-sense […]

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blog | Industrial Processing, TipSheet, Unsubmerged

Insulation — Specifically, how to prevent essentially non-combustible insulation materials from becoming a fire hazard (part 1)

When designing or maintaining a hot-oil system, one important aspect is thermal insulation; adequate insulation is a necessary evil on these systems. Even if energy costs were zero, there would still be the need to protect company personnel (especially overzealous young process engineers and nosy visitors from headquarters) from exposure to hot pipes. Not to […]

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blog | Industrial Processing, TipSheet, Unsubmerged

Insulation, Part 3: Minimizing Fire Hazard Using Mixed Insulation Materials

Reduce Insulation Fire Potential While Controlling Cost Although it almost eliminates the potential for insulation fires, good quality cellular glass insulation (like FOAMGLAS) is significantly more expensive both to purchase and install than the mineral fiber (fiber glass or glass wool) or compressed particle (calcium silicate or perlite) type materials. The trick to “optimizing” insulation […]

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